
I've been in youth ministry full time since 1996, and was a volunteer at different levels (local church, District and National) in Ireland before that. Over the years there have been some wonderful adventures, crazy moments and ups and downs. I'll share a few of them here, suitably anonymized, and hopefully they'll give you a smile.

Although I'd grown up in a church community, it wasn't until I was in my late teens that I truly understood God was, and is, real. By then, a couple of people had spotted some potential in me for future leadership. My faith permeates all I do, I try and reflect Jesus to others whenever I can, and that story, his story, my story, is woven throughout this website. Please use the links below to browse different stories, moments, ideas and more from my faith journey.

From the Front Line - anecdotes and observations from the coal face of youth ministry

Ideas and Resources - things that have worked in different youth group settings

Formative Moments - tales from some of the experiences that shaped me